Thursday, November 23, 2006

November 23

How am I feeling? Rather numb, then it hits so hard. I had Dave take me to the burial site last night at 9:45pm.

DJ came to bed this morning around 3:30am crying, missing his brother, and lots of questions.

Dave and I have trouble sleeping, nights are the hardest. I never knew how bad it would hurt, but this time Dave and I are hurting together. I kept the blanket Isaac was wrapped in and sleep with it...the first thing DJ did last night was grab the blanket and try and smell it...the pain is so huge, we really miss him. The house is too quiet without a newborn, I'm getting way too much sleep.
"When I cannot feel the faith of assurance, I live by the fact of God's faithfulness." Matthew Henry
John 12:24
Unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

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