12 days after Trisomy 18 diagnosis:
Today is Sunday. We are tired. We are angry. We are at the end of ourselves. We chose to stay home today from church. Laurelyn has gone from bad to worse. Why is this happening? Why would she be acting so strange? We bought her a bike, bought her a Sonic shake after sitting and eating Cinco De Mayo. She wasn't hungry, but did drink the shake.....how many times have we gone to the bathroom?
Instead of riding her bike, I found her laying across the couch sleeping in her own urine.
Something is wrong.
The phone keeps ringing. Why won't people leave us alone?!
Bedtime. Laurelyn takes a shower, then comes out, forgetting to put on her nightgown she walks out in front of Dave and I. I fall to the floor in anguish---my baby is skin and bones! Something is terribly, terribly wrong. God was going to take my son early, I knew he had the right and power to take Laurelyn from us too.
Dave rushes to the store to buy her her favorite cereal---Miniwheats and whole milk---that would fatten her up.
I decide to finally answer the phone...it is Judy Bigney. I run to the closet with the phone, away from Laurelyn as not to upset her. I weep as I tell Judy why we were not at church that morning. She asks me what symptoms exactly Laurelyn has been having. She told me it was Type 1 diabetes, that I needed to get to the hospital with her quickly.
Type 1 what? This couldn't be! Where would she get that?
I give in and call the Dr. He tells us to take her to Children's hospital. Dave is on his cell phone calling our Sunday school leader, once again crying. Judy came over to watch DJ and Dianna.
1 Kings 19:12 After the earthquake came a fire....And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
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