Saturday, November 24, 2007

Poem from Shaunna Hiner, Nov 2007

Dearest Dave and Tara,
Our deepest love and sympathy goes our to you today. Our hearts will never forget your sweet Isaac Almon. On the day of his birth, the Lord gave me this poem in memory of your beautiful son. I offer it to you now and hope it conveys how much our hearts ache with you over the tremendous loss of your little boy. We love you so very much and we pray for you often.


Our baby so dear,
Our beautiful son,
Your finally here.
We treasure these moments
Adoring your face,
We long to remember
Every line, every trace.

We tenderly hold you,
But our time is so brief;
We're desperately praying
We can live with this grief.

So hard to reconcile
That you won't be here,
To be held and cherished
With each passing year.

Our Father in heaven,
Our hearts we surrender,
To Your will and Your purpose,
Please make our hearts tender.

Thank you Shaunna! Shaunna is a friend of mine from Phoenix. We grew up in church together. She sent this to me on Isaac's one year anniversary.

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