Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 20, 2006

Today Dave and I went for our 20 week ultrasound. We quickly saw Dr. Shirk, then went in to the ultrasound room. I was so excited to see the little one moving around inside of me! A boy! DJ is going to be so excited! This is what we were all wanting!

The ultrasound was long....very long. The tech didn't say a word, just kept looking around and taking measurements. This was my first baby ultrasound here in Tennessee---everything takes longer here in TN compared to the rush of Phoenix. I started to get nervous about needing to leave, Dave had work to return to, I needed to pick up Dianna from pre-school.

I told Dave to go ahead and go, I would wait to see the Dr. again. I didn't see any need to, and tried to tell the nurse I had to leave to pick up our daughter.

Finally I sat in a room with Dr. Shirk. He sat and held my ultrasound pictures and explained to me that he had some concerns. The ultrasound showed that our baby had cysts on his brain, no stomach bubble, and other things I couldn't quite hear or grasp at that time. The Dr. would make me an appointment to see a specialist at UT.

I left the office in a rush, unable to breath, trying to fathom what had just occurred.

At home DJ and Laurelyn were full of questions about the baby. This is when I broke down crying...something possibly was very wrong with their little brother...we just didn't know yet.
Genesis 32:24
Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak., in 2008, my journal has revealed to me the kindness from our Lord! Our son Josiah Daniel was conceived on this day, August 20, 2007, by no knowledge of our own!

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